Human Resource Professionals
Connect your staff like never before and learn to anticipate potential issues before they happen.
Human resources professionals The modern HR role is transforming. A human resources manager, director, or executive must parallel the needs of his or her changing organization. HR professionals play an important role in their organization’s success by being an advocate that spans employees and top management. This includes expertise in how to create a work environment in which people will choose to be motivated, contributing, and happy.
Nonverbal awareness for better hiring
Working in a human resources department typically means you’re meeting with employees (and potential employees) on a daily basis. Being able to accurately evaluate their emotions can be an asset in the interviewing and hiring processes.
Let CNVC help you grow.
With our training HR professionals can:
Use nonverbal communication/awareness when onboarding employees
Evaluate potential new hires
Learn interview techniques for hiring
Read body language to detect integrity or deception when interviewing/hiring
Recognizing and understanding nonverbal behavior, can give you better insight and assessment of your employees; their state of mind, emotional state and possible intentions.