Center of Nonverbal Communication president Carl Maccario teaches people how to recognize and interpret nonverbal behavior cues to enhance their personal and professional lives.
Our clients are trained in nonverbal communication through real-world video, role play and classroom instruction. We offer small- and large-group settings as well as one-on-one. We’re able to tailor trainings to fit your needs. Contact Carl to talk about what you’d like to achieve and learn how CNVC can enhance your self, your team, and your employees.
Tailored to your needs
In his 15 years in security and behavior detection Carl Maccario has conducted behavior recognition seminars for over 60,000 law enforcement professionals and dozens of industry leaders.
Carl has trained individuals in interview and statement analysis, domain awareness, anomalous behavior detection, and how to evaluate your own nonverbal communication.
Results you won’t get anywhere else
Become better at recognizing and interpreting nonverbal cues and be aware of what messages are you sending with your own communication. CNVC focuses on training you to identify statement veracity, signs of deception, and evaluating truthfulness and human emotion.
Nonverbal communication is a crucial element in business, corporate management and in everyday life.
16-year Public Safety Professional with expertise in Emergency Management, Emergency Services, and Homeland Security
“How many times have you been to a really good training that you would attend voluntarily over and over and on your own time? I have hosted or attended Carl’s Behavior Recognition training three times now and I would look forward to the opportunity to go again. The skills and tailored training that his programs offer are literally one of a kind–other training programs that may claim to offer the same value usually do not come anywhere close to it. This is not a researcher touting theory–his background and experience in the field add significant value as he is able to connect learned material to real life scenarios. I would offer my highest recommendation for this program and encourage anyone in public safety or related fields to reach out and see what he can do for you. This training is a unique opportunity that every public safety professional in the field needs to take at least once in their career. It could literally save your life as you learn how to interpret behavior of persons you interact with. His ability to custom tailor his training to any audience is of great value to any department.”
“The Weld County Dental Society invited Carl out to Colorado for a training seminar on non verbal communication for healthcare providers. The dentists who attended were extremely impressed by what Carl had to offer. The seminar was unlike any other health care seminar they had ever attended. We as care providers spend hours in lecture halls learning about the most innovative and cutting edge treatments we can offer our patients. Unfortunately many of us forget the most important thing… the patient.
Carl’s expertise has an enormous amount to offer the field of healthcare. His innovative approach to teaching doctors how to read a patients body language is truly groundbreaking to our field. I would encourage any healthcare provider to attend any one of Carl’s seminars or workshops. The art of non verbal communication is something the healthcare industry could greatly benefit from.”
Rear Admiral, USCG (ret)
Federal Security Director – Massachusetts (ret)
Corporate Security Officer, Massachusetts Port Authority
“Carl Maccario and I worked together for nearly 12 years during the formative period of the Transportation Security Administration. When it became obvious that technology alone would not meet the adaptive, creative abilities of those who would do us harm, Carl recommended to me that we consider a derivative of a behavior detection program in which he had been previously trained by a prior employer. Initially tested on a local basis, then expanded to airports in New England, Carl primarily designed the training curriculum, interviewed and selected the participants, and oversaw all deployment details of this highly scrutinized program. Carl was instrumental in driving the program to become nationally recognized as an essential element of TSA security. He personally trained hundreds of officers in TSA, military members, and hundreds of law enforcement officials throughout the United States. Carl also assisted me in introducing the behavior detection program to 44 European nations through the European Civil Aviation Conference, many of which adopted versions of our program. Carl is recognized as an expert in this field and frequently collaborates with internationally recognized behavioral psychologist to discuss program enhancements and refinements. His contributions to transportation security in the United States are truly remarkable.”
Department of Communication
University at Buffalo
“I began working with Mr. Maccario in 2010 during an appointment with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). At TSA, Mr. Maccario is one of the leading subject matter experts in behavior detection and played an integral role in the development and testing of the program. Although Mr. Maccario possess over twenty years of operational experience, his expertise is also built on the work he has done with practitioners and academics from around the world. Mr. Maccario understands the scientific research and has been able to translate into practice both in TSA and consulting with other security agencies.”
“In the 6 hour course we coupled the latest research with Mr. Maccario’s operational experience, and focused on increasing recipients’ behavioral awareness, understanding the effects of stress on behavior, and identifying verbal markers of suspicious stories.”
“Mr. Maccario’s operational experience helps to provide rich illustrations of how behavioral research can be applied to real world problems.”
Senior Partner
Nugent Law Offices, Boston, Massachusetts
“Carl’s work for us in assisting us in assessing witnesses credibility by breaking down their taped interviews, depositions, and written statements to expose inconsistencies and inaccuracies has been an invaluable tool for us to utilize in our trial preparation, cross-examination, and case resolution.”
Retired Supervisory Special Agent
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives
“Carl and I have worked together in coordinated law enforcement and military training efforts for the past 10 years. Carl’s presentations relating to human behavior detection, and the dynamics surrounding how one is to interpret a persons true intentions through their non verbal actions has been extraordinarily helpful. His training prepares law enforcement and military personnel to identify those individuals who are seeking to do harm to US Citizens both domestically and abroad.
Carl’s unique skillset has enabled those individuals he has instructed with a much better understanding of the human dynamic and the ability to identify those who seek to do us harm before they get the opportunity to act. Carl’s training allows those who have been trained a better opportunity to recognize, and to elicit the truth when confronting those individuals who have been arrested or detained.
His efforts on behalf of those he trains is truly inspiring to observe, and the training he provides brings a persons ability to safeguard US Citizens and themselves to a whole new level. He should be commended for his contributions to TSA and his country. His training is helping prepare those on the frontline to identify and stop the fight before it begins.”
Training Program Manager
“The U.S. Special Operations community has had the distinct pleasure of working closely with Mr. Carl Maccario, President of the Center of Nonverbal Communication, over the last 8 years. Carl continuously provided exceptional travel awareness and safety training to over 300 Special Operations Forces (SOF) personnel prior to their deployment globally to multiple combat zones and hostile environments. Carl’s dynamic delivery and unique brand of coaching, teaching, mentoring and verbal and nonverbal practical exercises continue to be invaluable to SOF personnel and support staff. The SOF community is particularly appreciative of Carl’s ability and skill to cut through politics and staff bureaucracy, deliver superb training results to a demanding SOF audience, while keeping the chain of command happy. Carl is an invaluable member of the SOF team.”
We look forward to working with you
Contact us today to see how nonverbal communication can help you professionally or personally.